Philippine HIV/AIDS Country Profile2000, 2002, 2005
The country profile report focuses on HIV/AIDS as a development issue. It provided national, global situation and key development indicators affecting the response to HIV/AIDS including vital statistics on the socioeconomic situation and the health care system.
Taking stock:A survey of AIDS response for Men who have sex with men (MSM) and Transgender (TG) People in the Philippines (2013)
HIV Prevalence and behavioral risk factors among MSMs (2011)
Essentials AIDS Information Resources Asia-Pacific Edition (2001)
This book contains a list of more than 400 resources on HIV/AIDS with brief descriptions and details on how to access them. The resources in this list include print materials (books, training materials, newsletters, journals, catalogues and resource guides) and non-print materials (CD-ROMS, videos, websites and listservs). The resource list also provides contact details on organizations and sources of information.
A Matter of Time: HIV/AIDS Development in the Philippines(2000)
This study, under the Increasing Awareness and Understanding of the Development Implications of HIV/AIDS (DEV-AIDS) project, aimed for a deeper understanding of HIV/AIDS, looking at it not only in biomedical terms but also in a more encompassing perspective that examines how HIV/AIDS will impact on economic growth, life expectancy, poverty, and community and family life.
This publication comes with 3 booklets : In the shadows: Men who have sex with men ; Living on the Edge: Case study on Filipino Seafarers ; Living with HIV/AIDS : Case study of Filipinos living with HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS in the Philippines: Summary of the UNGASS Country Progress Report 2008
Operating Guidelines for HIV/AIDS Core Team (2013)
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